missourian|missourians in English


resident of Missouri (USA)

Use "missourian|missourians" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "missourian|missourians" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "missourian|missourians", or refer to the context using the word "missourian|missourians" in the English Dictionary.

1. Many Missourians considered American Indians a relentless enemy and wanted them removed from the land.

2. Missourian George Caleb Bingham presented these Boatmen as links between nature, represented by the wooded riverbank in the background, and civilization, symbolized by the advancing steamboat

3. The “Bushwhackers” were Missourians who fled to the rugged backcountry and forests to live in hiding and resist the Union occupation of the border counties

4. The Missourians feared losing political control, they were suspicious of the Church’s unfamiliar religious beliefs, and they disliked the Saints’ tendency to trade among themselves.

5. The “Bushwhackers” were Missourians who fled to the rugged backcountry and forests to live in hiding and resist the Union occupation of the border counties

6. Marmaduke conducted a campaign which apologetically highlighted his Confederate service, emphasized alleged abuses of Missourians by Union troops during the Civil War, celebrated the activities of pro-Confederate "partisan guerrillas" such as William Clarke Quantrill, claimed that the Republican Party in Missouri was a tool of "carpetbaggers" to oppress "native" Missourians, and made overt appeals to white racism.